Careers and Future Pathways


Planning for your career

Our Careers Advisor, Dr Abby Harrison, would love to meet with any students who are keen to discuss their future career path.


You can also check out the Government Career Service for secondary students. This site has many useful suggestions to help you with career planning and has lots of information about the subjects you should be studying for many different career options.


GivME is a funding information service for scholarships and grants available for tertiary study in NZ.

Check out givME if you are looking for funding or scholarships for next year.  It is important you start preparing now as deadlines for these opportunities are around exams and you don't need the stress.

You can use these services on this website at school or by having a Napier library card, or just log on to the Napier Library Website and click on on-line database if you are at home .  ​​​​​​​

Future Pathways

The Gateway Programme

A pathway to tertiary study, apprenticeships and employment

The Gateway Programme provides the work ready skills our students require to go from school to employment. The ‘structured workplace learning’  is ideal for students who wish to explore a career pathway and blend school study with workplace learning.

Gateway offers senior students 10 days of unpaid work experience (one day per week or an arrangement to suit the employer usually in terms 2 and 3) to go hand in hand with studying industry-related credits towards NCEA qualifications in a Vocational Pathway. The purpose is to provide actual workplace experience that will help them develop a clear understanding of the knowledge and skills required for future employment.

EIT Trades Academy

The EIT Trades Academy Programme works with secondary schools to provide fun, practical and engaging vocational courses to help students achieve NCEA Levels 2 & 3 and prepare them for higher learning.   Most courses are run 1 day per week at EIT in Taradale. (1 day EIT, 4 days at SHC)

Please click the link below to download and view the EIT Trades Academy Booklet. 

Spaces are limited and all students will go through an application process.

The Future Pathways Programme gives our students the confidence to choose a pathway that takes them from school to tertiary study or apprenticeships, and on towards employment.

Fiona Quane
Future Pathways Coordinator

Phone: 06 835 3761
Ext: 816