
The Sacred Heart College Board of Trustees invites you to apply for one of eight Year 9 Scholarships for the following year. As a school, we take pride in a culture which promotes academic, cultural, spiritual and sporting excellence, which also aims at developing citizenship and leadership in our young people. We also aim to support those who wish to avail of a Catholic Education but are unable to do so due to financial hardship.

Our Scholarships

​​​​​​​We invite applications for the following scholarships:

  • Academic Scholarship of $1000. This will be awarded to a student who can provide evidence of exceptional academic ability.
  • All-Rounder Scholarship of $1000. This will be awarded to a student who can provide evidence of excellence across two or more fields of endeavour: Academic, Sporting, Cultural and Leadership
  • Leadership Scholarship of $1000. This will be awarded to a student in recognition of the leadership they have demonstrated whilst attending intermediate school.
  • Sports Scholarship of $1000. This will be awarded to a student who excels in a sporting area.
  • Cultural Scholarship of $1000. This will be awarded to a student whose involvement in instrumental music, choir, singing, debating, public speaking, dance, drama or Kapa Haka has been of a high level.
  • Catholic Character Scholarship of $1000.  This will be awarded to a student who is actively involved in their faith and shows leadership in the area of Catholic Character. 
  • Dr. Ramsay Perera and Mrs. Sita Perera Memorial Scholarship of $1500.  This Scholarship will be awarded to incoming Year 9 students who experience financial hardship.
  • Hibernian Catholic Benefit Scholarship $850.  This aims to support those who wish to avail of a Catholic education but are unable to do so due to financial hardship.

Important Dates

Friday 23 August 2024Application, letter and CV due
Friday 6 September 2024Successful applicants notified
Tuesday 10 September 2024School notified of scholarship acceptance

How to apply

To apply for a Sacred Heart College Scholarship, you must provide the following:  

  1. Your completed Sacred Heart College enrolment form
  2. The Scholarship Application Form 
  3. A letter, in your own handwriting, introducing yourself to SHC. This should describe: 
    • Who you are 
    • Some ‘public’ information on your family   
    • What you most enjoy doing, both in and out of school  
    • What you would like to do at high school  
    • What career(s) you are considering                                   
  4. Your CV - this should be an outline of your abilities and previous achievements in the areas you wish to highlight. Remember to highlight academic, cultural, sporting and leadership achievements. These should be backed up by copies (not originals) of:  
  5. Testimonials, letters of congratulations 
  6. Any certificates / awards  
  7. Latest school report (this will likely be a final school report from last year)  

Each of the scholarship winners will be selected on the following basis:  

  1.  Applicant’s letter 
  2. A Curriculum Vitae which outlines the student’s previous achievements across a range of activities.    

​​​​​​​The scholarships will be in the form of a single payment into your school account from which students/ families may draw to pay any school-related costs. Uniform, sports gear, sport subscriptions, subject fees, school trips, music tuition, Attendance Dues etc. are all appropriate uses of these funds. It is not a requirement that all money be spent in the first year and any balance will be carried forward.​​​​​​​