
​​​​​​​Students should be at school in enough time to prepare themselves for the day and to be at all classes punctually.

Reporting an absence

All student absences must be explained by their parent/caregiver before the start of the school day. These explanations can be sent to the school office by:

If a student is away without notification, the office will text the primary caregiver on the morning of the absence.

Medical certificates are required for extended periods of absence, or if a student is unable to sit an NCEA internal assessment or examination due to sickness.

Any applications for leave, other than sickness, must be made to the Principal in writing in advance of the leave period. Under the Ministry of Education guidelines, any holidays in term time are treated as unjustified absences. Special leave will be granted on a case by case basis. Specialist and other essential appointments should be made where practicable, outside school hours. The best learning takes place when students are in class.

Lateness and Leaving Early

Students who arrive at school late should report to the school office.

They should have a note explaining their lateness and will be issued with a late slip to take to their class teacher. No student will be admitted late into class without a late slip. Students are expected to remain in the school grounds during the school day.

Requests to leave must be supported by a note of explanation from parents or caregivers, and students must sign out at the office. On return, students must sign in again at the office 

Injury or Illness

Students who are ill or injured should report to a teacher and then to the school office.

The situation will be monitored and the student may remain in the sick bay. The office staff may contact a student’s parent or caregiver to make arrangements for her to go home. If the injury or illness is serious, parents or caregivers will be contacted immediately.

Students are not to make alternative arrangements to contact parents or to leave the school grounds without the school’s permission.